Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Welcome to Kaila Café!

“Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”” --John 6:35 NIV

Photo Credit: Elke Rohn, FreeImages.com, #1328830

Hey, beautiful people! Let’s start this blog off by talking about food and health a bit. Would you believe that a few months ago God told me to go vegan? Shortly before this, He’d prompted me to go natural regarding my hair, meaning no more relaxers, so I’d officially just become a “curly girl.” I’d also just come off of an extended fast, eating mostly organic lean meats, fruits, and veggies for about a year and had lost over 40 pounds. I was at my healthiest weight and refraining from using harmful chemicals from head to toe. Now, God wanted me to become even healthier. ‘Vegan! Like, really, Father? What am I going to eat?’ I thought. I’d better finish this chicken leg and make some scrambled eggs while I can! Sigh!’

Organic. When speaking of food, this refers to food “produced or involving production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial agents.” (Thanks, Google Dictionary (powered by Oxford Dictionaries))! Isn’t this the type of food everyone would buy if they could afford it? I mean, who would willingly choose to eat those tomatoes with a side full of pesticides if they could do better? Well, thankfully, regardless of budget, when you eat here at Kaila Café, you’ll be eating the purest of fare. Kaila Café is a blog that will bring you the natural Word of God without the GMOs, harmful chemicals, or synthetic additives. The Word tells us in Deuteronomy 4:2 not to add to or take away from scripture, and this site follows this command. I don’t want in any way to water down or alter the Word of God in order to bring you my opinion or the beliefs of a politically correct society. I want to share what the Word of God says about the time we’re living in, and offer encouragement via our greatest spiritual weapon, the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17).

Come here to be encouraged in your faith on a regular basis. Posts will be devotional and inspirational in nature. I believe you will be blessed, encouraged, and motivated to stay in the Christian race as a believer via the Holy Spirit working through this site. If you’re not a believer, it’s my hope that this site will inspire you to start believing in the true, living God, your Creator who knows you inside and out, and longs for you to experience the depths of His amazing love."

We’ll discuss many topics from Godly dreams, visions, how to hear the voice of God, answering the call to ministry, love, being single and Christian, courting, dating, waiting, and so forth. Feel free to message me directly if you’d like my Godly, Spirit-led counsel on your situation by clicking the “Ask Kaila Advice Column.” When you write me, I’ll pray on your situation and respond to you honestly with what God gives me. Remember, this bread will be given to you organic style, straight without additives, so be ready to hear the raw truth when you write me. Your contact info and name will be kept anonymous, and I’ll only share the contents of your email if you give me permission. That being said, I’ll respond to emails that grant me permission to share, unless the Lord directs me otherwise, because the goal is for others to be encouraged, inspired, and blessed from hearing your story and reading my advice. Perhaps they’ll realize they’re not alone after all.

If you’d like to contact me for ministry purposes, please click the “Book Kaila” link on the site. I’d love to come speak, sing, or do a reading at your next event. We’ll have a good time! I’m so glad you stopped by. Pull up your chair, get your napkins and utensils ready, and prepare to be served the best fare this side of heaven, honey. You’re family if you’re crazy about God like I am, and we’re going to have a good time together at the Lord’s table. Be sure to spread the word about these tasty meals after you leave. We want as many to join us as possible, and there’s enough to go around. After all, our Savior has been known to multiply a meal or two. ;) God bless you. Happy dining!

Love your sis in Christ,
