Wednesday, July 19, 2017

You are a blessing! Here is a free gift from me!

Thank you for following me on social media! As a token of my appreciation, here's chapter one of my new book, The Supernatural Power of Seeking God, entitled "Love Awakening."

I pray the spiritual meat in this chapter awakens a hunger in you to go after God with all you've got. Feel free to share with your family and friends as well.


Evangelist Kaila Frierson

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Facebook Evangelist Kaila Frierson

Saturday, July 1, 2017


Hello, lovelies! I'm super excited to announce that my new book The Supernatural Power of Seeking God: Losing and Finding Your Life in Christ is finally here! It's just been released on Amazon. You can purchase the paperback version now, and the Kindle eBook version will be available for purchase on July 10, 2017! This has been such a journey for me, seven years in the making to be exact! I thank God that He saw me through all the blood, sweat, tears, and years to finally birth this great book. Please help support it by purchasing a copy for yourself and a friend or family member.

This book will challenge you to pursue Jesus until you fall in love with Him all over again!

Learn how to:
  • put God first, making His presence the number one priority in your life.
  • search for God and find Him in the midst of the chaos and busyness of everyday life.
  • win souls as a part of seeking God's Kingdom and acquire a heart that is as in love with people as God is.
  • see yourself as the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus which will instill Godly confidence in you to fulfill your kingdom assignment.
  • discover your God-given purpose and identity as you get lost in the presence of God
Prepare to be supernaturally transformed as God takes your from crawling spiritually to soaring!

Thanks for all your love and support!

Love always,
