Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Gale-Force East Wind is Coming

God is about to blow a mighty gale-force east wind upon His enemies...

This morning when I woke up, I felt a wind blow upon me coming from the direction of the east. It wasn't the kind of refreshing wind the Lord blows upon me when I need refreshing. No, it felt like a warning wind. The words "gale-force wind" immediately came to my spirit. God was sending me a warning. When I asked Him for clarity, He told me, "The wind is judgment upon My enemies. I'm about to blow."

Wow. The enemies of God have provoked Him to not only anger but action. I asked God to show me the significance of an east wind and gale-force, and He did.

The east wind in the Bible is a very strong, hot, dry, devastating desert wind that represents judgment and destruction. In Genesis 41:6, an east wind damaged plants with disease and represented famine. It brought locusts in Exodus 10:13. In Ezekiel 17:10, a wind from the east brought captivity to Jerusalem when Nebuchadnezzar and his army laid siege of the city. An east wind dried up water sources and represented the plunder of Israel's precious things in Hosea 13:15. It brought the utter destruction of Babylon in Jeremiah 51.

Whenever God is about to blow an east wind on someone it is never good. He does this when He's been provoked to anger and ignored by an unrepentant people. It always means destruction and judgment.

The time is coming when the Lord will say to the people of Jerusalem, “My dear people, a burning wind is blowing in from the desert, and it’s not a gentle breeze useful for winnowing grain. It is a roaring blast sent by me! Now I will pronounce your destruction!" Jeremiah 4:11‭-‬12 NLT

The next question I asked the Lord is 'what is the significance of gale-force?'. Gale force winds can be seen in the Bible in Acts 27:14 when a gale-force wind threatened to break up the vessel in which Paul and passengers were traveling from Crete to Phoenix. It is a very strong, destructive wind with traveling speeds ranging from 33-63 mph. God sends this wind in order to do major damage.

So, who are the enemies of God this wind is meant for?
The enemies of God that have roused His anger are those who are disobedient to His voice. Those who don't keep His charge, commandments, statutes, or laws. Also, those who are lovers of the world.

You adulterers! Don’t you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again: If you want to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God. James 4:4 NLT

Lovers of the world care more about gratifying the desires of their flesh than they do pleasing God. Sadly, the Church is full of them. Thankfully, God never sends warning without purpose. He is giving His enemies an opportunity to repent and serve Him wholeheartedly starting today. When the wind blows, you want to be found a friend of God as Abraham was (See James 2:23). Abraham was called God's friend because he obeyed God's voice and kept His charge, commandments, statutes, and laws (Gen. 26:5). You, too, can be God's friend. Here's how:

So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world. Let there be tears for what you have done. Let there be sorrow and deep grief. Let there be sadness instead of laughter, and gloom instead of joy. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor. James 4:‬7‭-‬10 NLT

Turn to God right now and cry out to Him with all your heart for forgiveness. Judgment will start at the house of God first, so leaders and lay members, clean your hands and purify your hearts before God. Ask for purity and to be made blameless in His sight once again (See Psalm 18:23). Sinners, turn to God while He may be found by you (Is. 55:6). Don't get caught out in the wind when it blows. Take heed and prepare now.

Love and blessings,
