Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Why I Am Not Your Wifey

After being called wife by a complete stranger three times this week, I just had to write about it, so here it goes...

It's really bothersome how quick some men are to call a woman wife or wifey. I can't count the number of times I've been called this over the years. Some men throw the title wife around like breadcrumbs for the birds to catch. Although some men may be genuinely interested in marrying the woman they nickname "wife" or "wifey," some men do this because they think that if they act interested in marrying a woman, then she'll become easier to manipulate. They assume every woman is so desperate to get married that she'll jump at the first man to come along and show interest in marrying her.

Now, the truth is, I desire to be married, and plan to do it only once when the time comes, but here is why you calling me wife, stranger, gets downright annoying: marriage is not something to be entered into lightly. It's a covenant. You and your spouse make a vow of commitment to each other before God and man. It's not some carrot title to be seamlessly dangled in front of a woman to advance your hidden agenda. I appreciate that a guy may observe me and see characteristics he would like to have in his future wife, but until I'm married, I reserve the title wife for my future husband.

Men, please stop throwing this title around so lightly. Start to think about what you're saying and why you're saying it. If people took marriage more seriously, there would be fewer divorces. Consider what you're saying. Are you in a position spiritually, financially, and emotionally to make the woman you're admiring your wife? Can you lead? Have you found God before finding her? Or, do you have a hidden agenda to emotionally manipulate the woman you call "wifey?"

I know some men who knew the moment they met their wives that they were going to marry her. Others say they knew by at least the second date. I find this type of whirlwind romance beautiful. After all, it doesn’t take centuries to recognize that a blessing is standing before you and you need to seize the opportunity before it passes you by. I'm an advocate for love at first sight when it’s genuine and mutual, and when God has confirmed to you that a special someone is your future spouse. But, to the men who like to throw the title wife around to every woman you find attractive, please start thinking about what you're saying. Count the costs before you open your mouth. Realize that marriage is for a lifetime, not a fleeting moment of pleasure. It's bigger than a wedding, a status, and your hidden agenda. Count the costs, sir, then speak accordingly.  

“But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it?  Otherwise, you might complete only the foundation before running out of money, and then everyone would laugh at you. They would say, ‘There’s the person who started that building and couldn’t afford to finish it!’" Luke 14:28-30 NLT


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Receiving Your Kingdom Mind (part 1)

The Word of God says to “let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5 KJV). The mind which was in Christ Jesus was rife with Kingdom thoughts. Jesus looked at doing the will of God as His spiritual and natural food. To have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16) is to have the Kingdom mindset. God supernaturally gives us this mind as we seek Him.

To see a picture of the Kingdom mind in action, we must look to God’s Word. In John 4, we see Jesus revealing Himself as the Messiah to a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well (v. 25 & 26).

When the disciples catch up to Him shortly afterwards, they urge Him to get something to eat because they hadn’t seen Him eat for some time. "But Jesus replied, “I have a kind of food you know nothing about.” “Did someone bring him food while we were gone?” the disciples asked each other. Then Jesus explained: “My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work.""(John 4:34 NLT). Jesus went on to tell the disciples that the harvest is ripe right now (v.35), meaning that souls are waiting and ready for God’s salvation. His words ring ever true even today! Jesus looked at doing God's Kingdom work as His source of life.

Now, why was food used as a metaphor for doing Kingdom work? We must remember that our God is a God of purpose, and nothing mentioned in the Bible is done so by coincidence (2 Timothy 3:16-17). The comparison between doing the will of God and eating food has great significance. Let's look at the various roles that food plays in our lives to understand this metaphor. Firstly, food brings us joy and pleasure. Who doesn’t love a good meal? We enjoy food when we get around our families and friends to celebrate an occasion or holiday.

Food unites people. At dinner time all across the world, families gather together to share a meal. It brings us comfort, which is why we give it to people in times of bereavement as a love gift. The comforting spirit of food is also why some people develop emotional attachments to it. Lastly, food brings us satisfaction and nourishment, as well as life to our bodies. We must eat it in order to stay alive; thus, food sustains us. It’s our fuel.

If we look closely at the Bible, we’ll see examples of when doing the will of God fueled Jesus just as food would a natural man. Doing God's will literally kept Jesus going. Look again at the aforementioned example of Jesus at the well with the Samaritan woman. Jesus tells the woman that He is living water, and that whoever drinks the water that He gives, will be filled with “a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14 NIV). After this disclosure, Jesus gives her a word of knowledge about her life revealing that she had been married five times, and is currently living with a man who isn’t her husband (v.18).

Instead of condemning her in the next sentence, Jesus starts explaining to her the meaning of true worship, and reveals Himself as the Messiah. Jesus unveils before this woman the way to eternal life: Himself! This revelation changes this woman’s life forever! The Spirit of truth, which is Christ Himself, sets her free from religious bondage (John 8:32). In Jesus’ mind, the freedom that this inquisitive woman received brought Him as much satisfaction as a well-done steak and potatoes would to a hungry man.

Jesus came to set the captives free, and seeing them freed brought Him great elation (Isaiah 61:1)! This is why when the disciples asked Him if He was hungry after He revealed truth to the Samaritan woman, He said that performing God’s will had been His food. When the disciples caught up to Him, He was already full on purpose. He’d fulfilled His purpose at that moment in time, to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). There’s no greater satisfaction than to fulfill the purpose for which you were created. This fulfillment is the definition of true success by God’s standards, and will satisfy your hunger like nothing else. Stay tuned for part 2 of this study, and we'll continue talking about how we can develop the mind of Christ and live on earth as it is in heaven.

Click here to read Part 2: http://www.kailacafe.com/2017/12/receiving-your-kingdom-mind-part-2.html

In His Service,


Friday, October 13, 2017

A Warning to The Wise

I've been seeing the same vision of a jug falling to the ground and shattering in pieces for weeks. I didn't know exactly what God was showing me until today. While reading Jeremiah 48, I read about God's judgment against the city of Moab because of their defiant arrogance against Him. He said to me, "I will smash My enemies just the same." God is about to break those who have shaken their fists at Him in rebellion.
God has been warning and warning the rebellious to turn to Him, repent of their ways, and humble themselves, but they're not listening. Now, they must be judged. If you are in rebellion against God's commandments and laws today, repent before it's too late. This upcoming smashing will not only humble you, it will destroy you. Take heed and turn to God while you have a chance!

“In every house in Moab there’ll be loud lamentation, on every street in Moab, loud lamentation. As with a pottery jug that no one wants, I’ll smash Moab to bits.” God ’s Decree...

There’ll be nothing left of Moab, nothing at all, because of his defiant arrogance against me.
Jeremiah 48:38‭, 42 MSG