Friday, October 13, 2017

A Warning to The Wise

I've been seeing the same vision of a jug falling to the ground and shattering in pieces for weeks. I didn't know exactly what God was showing me until today. While reading Jeremiah 48, I read about God's judgment against the city of Moab because of their defiant arrogance against Him. He said to me, "I will smash My enemies just the same." God is about to break those who have shaken their fists at Him in rebellion.
God has been warning and warning the rebellious to turn to Him, repent of their ways, and humble themselves, but they're not listening. Now, they must be judged. If you are in rebellion against God's commandments and laws today, repent before it's too late. This upcoming smashing will not only humble you, it will destroy you. Take heed and turn to God while you have a chance!

“In every house in Moab there’ll be loud lamentation, on every street in Moab, loud lamentation. As with a pottery jug that no one wants, I’ll smash Moab to bits.” God ’s Decree...

There’ll be nothing left of Moab, nothing at all, because of his defiant arrogance against me.
Jeremiah 48:38‭, 42 MSG

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