Wednesday, February 21, 2018

There is a Spiritual Stirring (Prophetic Word)!

Good morning, family! God's instructed me to release a word He gave me back in November of 2017. One morning in prayer, I kept hearing the Lord say the word "stirring" in my spirit. He then said, it's a stirring going on currently in the body of Christ. Stirring in the noun form means "the beginning of a motion, activity, feeling, or idea." In the verb form, stirring is "to move or cause (someone or something) to move after being still. To cause an especially slight movement or change of position of. To rouse to activity. To call forth (as a memory). To begin to move (as in rousing)." A stirring can signify a shift to another location (budge), or to begin to be active after inactivity. Common synonyms for the word are to agitate, churn, swirl, wash, or whirl. God said He's bringing His body into activity in the spirit realm! Hallelujah!

God is stirring His spiritual troops. He has a group of people who have been in hiding, literally hidden in spiritual training ground. Now, God says it's time for action on the field! He's bringing His troops into activity. I kept hearing Him say "it's time! At attention! Forward march! Now's time for action!" Those who have been in hiding in the body of Christ are about to be revealed for His glory. Those who this word is for know it in their spirits. It's confirmation for what they've been feeling for some time. God says now is the time to stay focused and stay in position. You must face forward in order to go forward.

God's troops have been in location training for years, and now they're being stirred to action. We've finally gotten our marching orders! God says it's happening quickly. Stirring is a state of brisk activity, meaning it happens quickly and efficiently with lots of energy. The wait is over! Your public revealing is coming, faithful servant of God! God showed me three stair steps and said these represent His remnant.

"So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace" (Romans 11:5).

The top step is for those just coming into the spotlight and recognition, or a larger platform. God is currently revealing new people to the world who have His true Spirt. These are those who worship Him in Spirit and in truth (John 4:24). They don't compromise, are not lovers of the world, and are truly sold out to God. Some of them are rising on the scene now. The next step is for those who are next in line. These are those who are still currently hidden, and may be 3/4 done with their spiritual training. These will be the next bunch God reveals for His glory. The third step is for those who are in the first half of their training. Perhaps, they answered the call a bit later than the others, or need additional training in some areas. God says "no more delay for these! They shall surely be revealed soon!" In a day when we see so many charlatans being exposed in the body of Christ, it's good to know that God has reserved a number of faithful servants for Himself and His body. These have not bowed their knees to Baal (See 1 Kings 19:18). God's raising up a new breed of spiritual leaders who have His heart, know His voice, have come to know Him in secret, and will reveal Him publicly. "Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound" (Romans 5:20).

Those who have been found faithful at this late spiritual hour are about to be elevated and revealed. It's time! God's bringing the dormant to action! Rejoice, saints of God, and please help me spread this word to the body of Christ. God bless you, and keep holding on to His ever-faithful hand!

In His Service,

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