Wednesday, March 14, 2018

3 Ways to Avoid Falling Asleep During Prayer

Picture yourself at the end of a long, hectic day. You get home, eat, watch a little TV, and then get ready for bed. You can't wait to lay before God and talk about your day. There's only one problem, when you open your eyes again, you're still on your knees, hours have gone by, and the last thing you remember saying is "Dear, Lord, thank You for this day!" before you drifted off into dreamland. Of course you tried to fight the sleep demon by stretching and propping your eyes open with your fingers, but it didn't work. Sleep won again!

Let's face it, we've all been there before! I don't know why it is that some of the best sleep is found on our knees. If you've had this problem, you're in good company. In the Garden of Gethsemane, when Jesus went off to pray, He came back to find His disciples sleeping. "Couldn't you watch with me even one hour?" He asked. "Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak!" (Matt. 26:40-41)

The enemy loves when we fall asleep during prayer because he knows that it gives us spiritual strength, makes us aware of his attacks, heightens our spiritual senses, and keeps us connected to God. I speak about the importance of prayer and the wee hours prayer life in my bestselling book, The Supernatural Power of Seeking God. Here are 3 surefire ways to avoid falling asleep during prayer. Use these during your next prayer time when you feel a case of the Z's coming on. 

1. Try a New Posture
If you always pray kneeling by your bedside, try praying prostrate, standing, or sitting. The photo above shows you the Biblical significance behind each posture. A new prayer posture will help break your body out of its monotony and keep you awake. If you're especially tired one day, try alternating postures every 10 minutes, and you'll see quick results.

2. Change your Scenery
If you pray in your bedroom, you're putting yourself at risk of falling asleep because your body is programmed to sleep in your room. Try breaking up the routine with a change of scenery. Go to a different room in your house. I love sitting by the patio window in my kitchen, looking up at the rolling clouds and praying. If you prefer the outdoors, try praying in your backyard, or garden. A change of scenery will force your body out of its rut and allow you to stay awake.

3. Go for a Walk
I don't know about you, but I'm a nature lover! I prefer to be outside over indoors any day. To me, there's nothing like a good prayer walk. The park by my home has a lovely 1.5 mile trail. Hearing God's voice in the colorful notes of the cardinal and the rustling of the trees is like a little piece of heaven to me. You can't be sleeping if you're walking, so next time you start nodding off during prayer, stand up and get moving. Even pacing around your room will help keep you awake. 

Have you ever fallen asleep during prayer? What are some ways you've found to help you stay awake? Please share with me and the others in the comment section. 

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