Wednesday, March 7, 2018

5 Keys to an Amazing Devotional Time

Spending quiet time with God is one of the most important things we can do. It helps us to build a stronger bond with our Savior, and sets the tone for our days. James tells us that when we draw near to God, He'll draw near to us (James 4:8). Here are 5 keys to having an amazing devotional time with the Lord!
  1. Find a Quiet Space
    The first key to an amazing devotional time is finding the perfect quiet space for you and God! This space needs to be free of distractions so that you can hear God clearly and give Him the honor of your undivided attention. It would be best if you could find a clean space, free of clutter. You want this space to be like an oasis where you and God have sweet communion. You can decorate this space however you want, and it can be inside or outside. Some people prefer a park, or garden where they meet God. Others prefer to be inside the comfort of their homes. Either choice is fine as long as the place is quiet and distraction free.
  2. Bring a Journal
    Enter into your devotional time expecting God to speak to you. As much as you want to meet and talk to God, He wants to talk to you even more. He loves the time you spend with Him, and He longs to share His heart with you. Bring a journal as an act of faith that you know you'll hear from God on this day. I like more of a free-form journal with loose leaf paper where I can write down whatever I hear and feel. Some prefer a more organized journal with titled sections like "What's on my heart?," "Scripture," "Application," etc. Both are great choices and have their benefits. It really comes down to whichever you prefer. 
  3. Use a Study Bible
    Compass: The Study Bible for Navigating Your Life
    Whether you're studying a particular book of the Bible or a devotional, a good study Bible will give you deeper insight and revelation into the scriptures you're reading. Every time I use my study Bibles, I get new revelations which lead to more talking points with God during my devotional time. My favorite study Bible is the New Spirit-Filled Life Bible by Jack W. Hayford. I love the way it breaks down certain Biblical words in the original Greek and Hebrew languages. If you'd like more recommendations, let me know in the comment section below. 
  4. Pick a Time
    Pick some times that you'd like to meet with God each day. Having specific times will help you develop a devotional routine. My devotional times are scheduled in the morning, afternoon, and night. You can set up meeting times throughout the day however the Spirit leads you. These times will help strengthen your relationship with God as well as your inner man.
  5. Be Consistent
    God will honor your routine once you set it up. Your devotional time doesn't have to look the same each time. Sometimes the Father may lead you to worship Him the entire time. Other times, He may ask you to pray, or just sit and listen while He talks to you. The activities you do during your devotional time will vary based on the leading of the Holy Spirit, but your time and meeting place should be consistent.
What are some of your favorite things to do during your devotional time? Also, have you come across any great devotional journals or readings? Please share with us in the comment section below. 

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