Wednesday, June 6, 2018

2 Steps to Healing the Wounded Soul

There's a secret behind every smile. Oftentimes, what the lips try to mask, the eyes show readily: pain. So many people are smiling on the outside but wounded on the inside. Suicide rates and depression are at an all time high! None of us have to live this way. You no longer have to suffer in silence.

"To be made whole is to be made intact by the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s when God takes the broken pieces of your soul and mends them together so that your soul becomes whole." Here are 2 steps to emotional healing from my bestselling book, "The Supernatural Power of Seeking God: Losing and Finding Your Life in Christ."


The man at the Pool of Bethesda in John 5 had been lying on a mat by the pool for thirty-eight years. He continually waited for someone else to come along and put him into the pool when the angel of the Lord troubled the water (John 5:4), but no one ever came. It wasn’t until Jesus stepped onto the scene of his life that he realized the part he’d been playing in his own brokenness. He had been resigned to the mat of his brokenness. He had become content there. 

Sometimes when you’ve been broken for so long, you become so content with your condition that you may not even realize your brokenness is fueling your every action—the things you do, the people and situations you attract into your life . . . everything. As you seek God, the fullness of Jesus steps into your life, and He’ll eventually reflect your own soul to you so that you can see your need. Then He will ask you, as He asked the man at the pool, “Do you want to get well?” (v. 6).

When God shed the light on my soul in 2012, I realized the part I’d been playing in staying broken. I’d become resigned to the mat of my condition, attracting to myself that which I was. I kept attracting broken, messed-up people into my life because I was broken. It wasn’t until I recognized my responsibility in becoming whole that I was able to move toward inner healing. Once God showed me the pattern of my bad behavior, due to brokenness, He then helped me to eradicate it.

The supernatural power of seeking God helps us to realize the harmful patterns in our lives. Lay yourself on God’s altar in prayer and fasting, and then ask Him to reveal your soul’s pattern to you. Let Him deal with it. Only after you recognize this pattern and the role you play in it can you move on to step two for becoming whole. It then becomes decision time. 

When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?” 
John 5:6 

The second thing the man at the Pool of Bethesda had to do was to decide to be made whole. When Jesus asked him if he wanted to receive God’s wholeness, the man immediately began making excuses for his condition (v. 7). Jesus looked at the man again, and in His great compassion, He told him to rise. Notice that when Jesus asked the man if he wanted to be made whole, He never asked him about anyone else. Jesus focused only on the man’s desire. He said to him, “Do you want to get well?” This indicates that the key to being made whole is our own will. It wasn’t about anyone else coming along and putting the man into the pool. No, it was about his will to be healed. It was about his decision to accept Christ’s wholeness. What Christ is saying to us through this passage is that His healing is here for us. His wholeness is already available to us, but we must first accept it. We must first decide to be made whole.

Only after the man decided to be made whole did Jesus command him to get up, pick up his mat, and walk. Decide today that you will be made whole in Jesus, and then move on to step three."

For more healing steps, purchase "The Supernatural Power of Seeking God" here:

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This excerpt has been taken from "The Supernatural Power of Seeking God: Losing and Finding Your Life in Christ" (Chapter Fifteen "Receiving Your Kingdom Wholeness") Copyright @ 2017 by Kaila Frierson.


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