Monday, August 19, 2019

Tap into the River of God!

Hello, beloved:

We all experience dry seasons in our walk with God, but God promises to be a river in the wilderness. Watch this powerful revelation I preached on what the river of God gives us, and tap into your Source today. The full video sermon is available on YouTube here:
(Preached from Psalm 46)

I hope this message blesses you as much as it has me!

Love, your sister in Christ,

Evangelist Kaila Frierson

Friday, August 2, 2019

Special Message From God: Take the Blinders Off!

Hello, dear ones. I hope you've been well. I want to share a special message the Lord put on my heart with you. I pray this testimony blesses you immensely as it has me. I have a lot more to share with you in the coming week, so stay tuned. I'm praying for you always. 

Click here to watch the video on YouTube!

All best,

Evangelist Kaila Frierson